Contact Us
For Service Inquires
For Retail Inquires
For Invoice Inquires
For In-Shop Repair Inquires
Monday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: 10am – 2pm
Directions from Highway 401
Travel east/west on Highway 401 and get off on the Leslie Street South exit. Go South on Leslie Street two blocks and turn into the plaza fronted by The Goose and Firkin – we are unit #8 in this plaza.
Directions from Highway 404 (Don Valley Parkway)
Travelling north or south on Highway 404/Don Valley Parkway transfer to Highway 401 West. Exit Highway 401 at the Leslie Street South ramp. Go South on Leslie Street for two blocks and turn into the plaza fronted by The Goose and Firkin – we are unit #8 in this plaza.
Alternate Directions from Hwy 404 (Don Valley)
Travelling north/south on Highway 404/Don Valley Parkway, exit at the York Mills Road West off-ramp. Proceed west on York Mills Road, passing Don Mills Road and Lesmill Road; turn right onto Leslie Street; proceed north on Leslie Street 1-1/2 blocks and turn into the plaza fronted by The Goose and Firkin – we are unit #8 in this plaza.